
I'm a freelance illustrator/designer/art director and if you think I can help with your project, want to offer words of encouragement or simply say hi, feel free to get in touch.

I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. Follow me to find out every time I haul bits of imagination kicking and screaming into reality.

Thursday, 27 December 2012


This image was inspired by some photos of a friend of mine, who currently goes by the pseudonym of SP076 (I'm pretty sure this was his cell number at some point), and his accomplices creating some street art. I thought there was a great contradiction between the flowers in the long grass and the concrete walls that were serving as canvasses. The painting he's working on is in this drawing is actually a photo of his piece. I hope he doesn't sue me.

The pose was derived from an exaggerated version of the stance fine artists adopt when clutching a palette in one hand and expressively slapping paint onto a canvas. I also drew on the movements of  chefs in a kitchen when they get passionately animated and toss ingredients into a lively mix while working on new recipe.  I mean, I know that's not how it really works, I've been in kitchens and from my experience most chefs spend their time grumbling and swearing at waitresses.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Shanta... hic!

Well its that time of year again where an ancient pagan ritual results in collective days off and an excuse for over indulgence. During this festive period I shall continue sneaking down to my bat-cave, whittling my quill into a sharp point and topping up the ink wells in preparation for a new year of doodling.

I hope everybody makes the most of their Christmas break by fattening up for winter, getting intoxicated, watching plenty of movies and catching up on those backed up games. Hold up... I just described 2012...Here's to 2013!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

You may have noticed a lack of reference to the end of the world. That's because this myth is based on the scribblings of people from over a thousand years ago, and should be taken as nothing more than a silly story.

Friday, 7 December 2012


I'm managing to slowly indoctrinate my son into geek culture starting with the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons form the 30s/40s. Despite the questionable racial stereotypes (see the episode 'Japotage'), a product of wartime propaganda, they're still fantastic productions that clearly influenced the equally brilliant 'Batman: The Animated Series'.

Referencing those via the retro Superman logo I bashed this quick sketch out in an hour or so.

The exaggerated proportions intended to contrast with the almost bland body form of these cartoons, that have since been refined over the decades into the sculpted form we're all so familiar with.

The loose cummerbund garment was just an idea to add the dash of colour that I felt was missing from his midriff in the pant-less redesign from the upcoming film, that I desperately want to be brilliant.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Horned Beast

Dinosaurs have become increasingly popular in our house, courtesy of my 2 year old son. I remember being interested in them but not really knowing any of the details that I've recently been reading up on (in an ongoing attempt to be able to impart wisdom). For example: Chronologically the T-Rex lived closer to humans than it did to the Stegosaurus. Crazy, right?

As theres greater room for creativity in fiction I rarely feel the desire to depict real animals, though these extinct mega fauna undeniably served as inspiration for this quick sketch. Pleased with his stance I felt I should add some colours and texture to really bring this alien dinosaur to life.