This image was inspired by some photos of a friend of mine, who currently goes by the pseudonym of SP076 (I'm pretty sure this was his cell number at some point), and his
accomplices creating some street art. I thought there was a great
contradiction between the flowers in the long grass and the concrete
walls that were serving as canvasses. The painting he's working on is in this drawing is actually a photo of his piece. I hope he doesn't sue me.
The pose was derived from an exaggerated version of the stance fine
artists adopt when clutching a palette in one hand and expressively
slapping paint onto a canvas. I also drew on the movements of chefs in a
kitchen when they get passionately animated and toss ingredients into a
lively mix while working on new recipe. I mean, I know that's not how
it really works, I've been in kitchens and from my experience most chefs spend their time grumbling and swearing at waitresses.