
I'm a freelance illustrator/designer/art director and if you think I can help with your project, want to offer words of encouragement or simply say hi, feel free to get in touch.

I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. Follow me to find out every time I haul bits of imagination kicking and screaming into reality.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Alpine Alien

Been a long time fan of the Alien franchise (despite a couple of weaker entries (we're also pretending AVP doesn't exist. At all.)) and I'm eagerly looking forward to Alien Covenant.

From what I've seen so far its looking pretty 'on point'. The idea of seeing the xenomorph scuttling through forests is an intriguing one, with all the other movies taking place in engineered (see what i did there?) structures.

I don't know if we'll get to see that, however the fact that in the trailer they suggest there are no birds or insects implies that they've been scared off by... something.

Or eaten.

I drew this before I saw the beautiful poster art that was released a few weeks ago. If the film is half as good as that artwork then we're in for a real treat.

Roll on may!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Dangerous Elitist

Elite was the first computer game I loved. Sheets of hand written notes, price guides and star maps littered the computer room.

25 years later and I'm frame-shifting around the bubble and beyond, trading, smuggling and exploring (with a pinch of killin' in there for good measure). The game continues to expand but I've barely scratched the surface. It's awesome.

I for one cannot wait until I can land my Asp X on the surface of one of the planets with atmosphere. Rain drumming on the canopy, soaring with winged beasts above endless lakes, farming blue cacti, or setting up a trading post in a distant savanna... They wont match the freedom of my imagination, but I hope they try.

In the meantime, here's some speed-paints I did featuring a screen-grabbed Asp X.

Keep it up Frontier. Fantastic stuff! O7