
I'm a freelance illustrator/designer/art director and if you think I can help with your project, want to offer words of encouragement or simply say hi, feel free to get in touch.

I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. Follow me to find out every time I haul bits of imagination kicking and screaming into reality.

Monday 2 September 2013

Lets get ready to rrruuuumble! - Part I

At the beginning of the year I worked on a project for Rivet Studios that featured dinosaurs. Which are cool. FACT!

Primal Rumble required cute, colourful and iconic characters that couldn't look out of place kicking seven shades of dino doo-doo out of each other and after a couple of days of intensive sketching I produced a bestiary of characters that met the criteria.

Once the characters were hatched (... hatched! Get it? 'Coz they came from eggs! Right?... Sheesh! ), I took key motifs from their designs and produced some illustrations that formed the foundation for the arenas in which they would do battle.

Part II

Rivet Studios' title Primal Rumble coming soon

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