(Part I)
With the aim of the game being to grow your empire and with the minimal art style of the game taking shape I began to look at the creations that would populate your evil lair.
Creating these devices using such a limited pallette was a fun challenge, but relying on simple shapes meant it was never overly taxing
I've reproduced the text found on the images as the file size of the images may result in illegible copy. That, and i enjoyed writing it so much I felt it should be shared. Twice.
The iSPY can be hooked
up to a seemingly limitless number of cameras*, allowing a high level of
surveillance to take place form the comfort of your custom built
studio (with strengthened ceiling supports). You'd think that only
being able to view one feed at a time across all monitors would be a
hindrance, but several tests indicated that this was in fact a bonus,
allowing you to gloat over almost dozens of images of your foe.
*No more than 5.
Confoundotron 900

With a range of up to
quarter of a mile this ingenious device has the ability to rewire key
synapses within the brain of its target. This results in an
irritating nagging sensation and mild confusion, forcing the victim to
ask themselves questions like 'did I leave the oven on?', 'Where did
I put it again?' or 'I'm sure I’ve forgotten something.'
30% of victims claimed
it worked 100% of the time!
Big Deep

This menacing monolith
is not recommended for amateur evildoers, as its effects can perterb
even the most confident villain. This motionless hulk emits an
extraordinarily deep bass sound that forces nearby do-gooders to
uncontrollably purge themselves.
The frequency is so finely
tuned that any matter that is evacuated, arrives in liquid form,
adding the fear of slipping to the crushing embarrassment of its
chosen target.
WARNING: We've yet to
comprehend how to aim, or indeed activate this device. Use with
extreme caution.

Whilst its not yet
technologically possible to inflict a full migraine on someone, this
handy little* device will slightly reduce the moisture levels of its
target, inflicting a dull headache that cannot simply be ignored!**
For lasting effects,
don't let target consume a small glass of water.
*Weighing in at less
than 900lbs
**It can.

The Rashmaster causes
uncomfortable and embarrassing rashes on its target, forcing them to
search for questionable topics on their internet and risking great
personal loss should their spouse check their browser history.
Not to be used lightly.
Never scratch resulting
rash as this could induce swelling, weeping, headaches, death,
paranoia, hallucinations and occasionally nausea.
(Part III)
Art © Gukis
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