
I'm a freelance illustrator/designer/art director and if you think I can help with your project, want to offer words of encouragement or simply say hi, feel free to get in touch.

I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. Follow me to find out every time I haul bits of imagination kicking and screaming into reality.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

You're so cool

Just got back from the BFI re-release of the flawless True Romance and had to sketch up a quick tribute (which is basically a frame from the movie).

Scott delivered his usual visual flare but its Tarantino's poetic dialogue and a perfect balance of sweetness and brutality that made it something special. I wont even go into the cast, but it is peppered with retrospective A-listers.

All of this is tied together with Zimmer's beautiful score.

Without a doubt my all time favourite film ever. Of all time. Ever. For real. See it.