
I'm a freelance illustrator/designer/art director and if you think I can help with your project, want to offer words of encouragement or simply say hi, feel free to get in touch.

I'm also on Twitter and Facebook. Follow me to find out every time I haul bits of imagination kicking and screaming into reality.

Friday, 1 June 2018

The return of F3-T7

Many, many moons ago I produced an image of an R2 unit painted in the colours of Boba Fett, and named him F3-7T.

Recently I was contacted by Simon Battel of the UK R2D2 builders club.
Hi Nick. I found a picture you did of a FETT R2D2 a couple of years ago and I liked it so much that I have made a full size remote version, I just thought I'd send you a picture for your approval.
He included the following pictures.

Nick Scurfield inspired full size R/C FETT droid. I have named him..... F3T7

Simon goes on to say;
'There are a couple of minor differences to you drawing the main one being the name. I call this droid F3T7 and not F37T.'
Clearly Simon pays more attention to naming conventions than I do.

Regardless, it's a fantastic piece of work and I'm hoping somebody can sneak him into the forthcoming Fett movie.

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